Monday, December 26, 2011

Successful Direct Mail Campaigns - Postcards

!: Successful Direct Mail Campaigns - Postcards

If you get away from hi-tech, direct mail is still one of the most efficient forms of advertising. It's a low-cost opportunity to send a message to your targeted audience. Postcards, specifically, have the ability to quickly capture the attention of someone you want as a customer, or provide an inexpensive way to stay in touch with existing clients. Like any marketing campaign, you need to consider several factors before starting.

The Design

The post office has specific guidelines for postcard design and delivery. If you are producing this material in-house, meeting the criteria will allow the use of the less expensive postage rate. Below are the qualifications (as of this writing) by the US Postal Service:

Rectangular and have angular (90 degree) corners

At least 3-inches high x 5 inches long x .007 inch thick

No more than 4-inches high x 6 inches long x .016 inches thick

A larger or folded postcard does have advantages. For instance, a real estate company might want to show a panoramic view of available property or a car dealer could highlight a fleet of the newest automobiles. One of the more popular oversized postcards measures 9-by-6-inches. It is certainly bigger than a #10 envelope and will garner more attention when mixed in a stack of mail. Naturally, the mailing cost will increase with the dimensions increase in size, and folded cards are considered first-class mail. If you have any doubts about your piece, the US Post Service has a business division to answer your questions. A printing service or other third-party professional creating the piece should know the post office's rules.

Now, to answer the question that burns in everyone's head: Horizontal or Vertical positioning? Think over the years to whenever someone handed you his/her business card and it was vertically aligned. Unless it was presented to you so the words could be read immediately, you had to shift the card to look at it. Did it feel a little odd having to switch the direction? The natural habit is for a business card to be horizontal; same applies to a postcard. There is nothing wrong with a vertical postcard, but people are accustomed to reading horizontal ones. A vertical postcard is terrific for putting coupons at the bottom while allowing your message to remain intact at the top, such as for a pizza delivery company.

Next, you will need to determine your headline and message. Actually, you'll need two headlines: One on the address side and another on the message side. The headline on the address side should elicit some sort of reaction that will be a prompt for the card to be turned over to the message side. The address-side headline would appear on the left side of the postcard and below your return address. Definitely have your return address on the postcard. This will help to filter bad contact data. Your company logo, stylized fonts, or whatever else is used to brand your business can be used, as well. It is suggested to include your phone number and web site, too. There is a 50% chance the address side will face up when on a stack of mail. Might as well use that to your benefit and there isn't any additional printing cost. Be aware of the positioning of any copy or images so as not to interfere with the post office's design requirements.

On the message side, the headline will communicate 90% of your message, like the tabloids at your local grocery store. This attention-grabber will give the recipient a compelling reason to continue reading. The content of the copy should be to the point and provide a reason to take action or contact you by phone, email, or viewing a specific web page (more about this later). Squinting is not a comfortable thing to do. The postcard will end up in the trash quickly if the font is too small to read. Graphics and images typically have a greater communication function due to the limited space for copy; photo of a car for car sales, house for real estate, giant tooth for a get the idea. Remember a picture is worth a thousand DOLLARS (that's a paraphrase).

Here is a critical aspect of the process: PROOF YOUR MATERIAL SEVERAL TIMES! Did you understand that? There are many tales about someone finding grammatical errors, missing or wrong telephone number, incorrect graphic, or using dot-net instead of dot-com AFTER the material was mailed. Some mistakes could cost more than others. What happens if you're advertising a "Buy One, Get One 50%-Off" and nobody noticed the "Buy One" portion was missing? Okay, that example was over the top, but you get the idea. Conditions, restrictions, copyright marks, and other "read the small print" objects will need to be checked for errors and to make sure it's actually on the piece. Try to have several people check the material for accuracy before sending it to the printer, and check it again when the printer sends a sample proof. You might find a previously missed gaffe or the colors didn't turn out the way you intended.

There are probably several printing services in your immediate area. Take advantage of the Internet and research printers in other areas as well as some of the online print companies.

Contact Data

Let's assume your client contact database is up to date and used on a regular basis. Yay for you! If that is not the situation, NOW is the time to get it organized and remind your clients that they are still important to you. Yes, that's right: Your current clients will feel slighted when non-customers (prospects) receive some promotional price on your goods or services. If your business isn't structured that way, then think of mailing a postcard to your clients as providing good customer relations.

Your company's web site is the next inexpensive and easy method for collecting contact data. Give the web visitor a reason to reveal their all-secret identity by offering something you have that has intrinsic or real value, such as joining a list for discounts, a free newsletter, or access to an informative article. Just be pushy about it. Asking too for too much personal information too quickly is a turn-off and will chase away potential customers. A "Contact Us" page with a standard form is sufficient for most business models.

Some lists are available for free. Government records, apartment complexes by unit number, or cooperate with another business on a joint mailing. Ask your current clients for the names of people they know who might be interested in your product or service. By the way, the easier it is to get a list the more other groups/businesses will be using it too.

Business associations, social organizations, and publications where your company advertises might allow you to use their list of members or subscribers. This will provide an additional level of filtering to reach a more targeted audience. In many instances the organization will ask you to supply the materials and they will coordinate the mailing in an effort to keep their list private. Some associations will permit a third-party (fulfillment house) to process your campaign under the agreement the list will be kept confidential. Whether or not there is a charge for acquiring the list depends on the policies of the business or organization.

Purchasing data is a very efficient means of acquiring quality contacts. There are many companies that specialize in gathering and purifying contact data. This will save some marketing dollars as you can target a specific audience. The list can be as simple as name and address by geographic location or filtered by a detailed demographic search. The more detailed the information the higher the cost will be. Lists range in price from 15- to 75-cents per contact. When you interview list companies ask about the error rate for their data. At last check, 9% bad data is the industry average.

Use the recipient's name whenever you have it. Mail addressed to "Occupant" or "Resident" is a signal to throw it away immediately. Be a little creative for when the name isn't available. "Hungry BBQ Lover" to advertise a restaurant is a good way to get attention.


Get your postcards, buy the stamps, print address labels, attach both, and drop in the mail. Done! That was the simple version. Some businesses will engage the entire family in this type of production. Many independent contractors will sit at home in front of the television and process all their material. It works and it might work for you.

Let's say you plan to mail considerable quantities - 500 or more pieces - on a routine basis. Take into consideration the man-hours (labor cost) of using your staff and executing a timely campaign. You might want to think about having a bulk mail license to save on postage. It is suggested to assign one or two people to ensure all the bulk mail is sorted according to the licensing agreement with the US Postal Service.

Fulfillment services can process your materials, get it to the post office, and most will allow the use of their bulk mailing license. Their representatives can offer ideas and suggestions for how often you should send mail, the latest trends in direct mail strategies, and help coordinate your mailings with the rest of your marketing plan. Some printing companies also offer mailing service; a one-stop shop for all your distribution needs.


As with any mailing, the success rate of the campaign increases considerably when it's followed up with a phone call. This "warm call" can be used to confirm the postcard was delivered to the intended recipient or find out if there are any questions about the postcard's message. When dealing with a large number of contacts, it might be best to retain the services of a telemarketing or business development company. A personal visit (door knocking) can be equally as effective.

Earlier in this article it was suggested that one way for people to act on your message is for them to visit a specific web page. Specific because it's easier to know why web traffic has increased and who is visiting. Make sure the web address (URL) is simple and clear, for instance '' People will get frustrated if they can't get to where they want to go quickly. It is not necessary to have a unique page for the campaign; it only makes it easier to track responses. Remember to test the web address and review the page as part of the proofing process.

Your frontline staff should be prepared to react with any calls or responses. Create a system and teach your staff the process. If your postcard included some type of discount, make sure your computer or cash register system has been programmed accordingly. For retailers who featured a particular product: Think about the in-store presentation. You could have the product prominently displayed at the front of the store. Since the customer already knows about the item from the postcard, a suggested strategy would be to have the display in another section of the store to encourage shoppers to walk through to see more of your offerings. Situate a complimenting product close by to capture any impulse purchases. For example, if your featured product is kitchen knives, place within arm's reach a selection of cutting boards, blade sharpeners, and protective gloves. Grocers do this all the time. When you buy ice cream you don't have to go very far to find the chocolate and caramel sauce.

Tracking Results

You will want to have a system for tracking each mailing. The message, any offers or discounts, to whom the card was sent, when it was sent, its projected delivery date, and the cost of the campaign. Aside from your due diligence as a responsible business person, you'll want to know the effectiveness of the promotion.

Tracking the response rate is vitally important. Criteria such as who responded (because it might be someone who was not on your list), promptness of the response compared to the arrival of the offer, the offer that got their attention, and how they contacted you (phone, email, web hit), was the person making a purchase or an inquiry call and when do they plan to buy. Record how many postcards were returned to quantify your database and update your mailing list for future use.

With the information on the cost of materials and distribution compared to responses, you will be able to calculate your key numbers. This information will aid in the design and content of future mailings.

Key Numbers

Percentage of Bad Contacts =

Number of Returned divided by Total Mailed

Percentage of Responses =

Number of Responses divided by [Total Pieces Mailed minus Returned Pieces]

Cost per Response =

Total Cost of Campaign divided by Total Responses

Cost per Sale =

Total Cost of Campaign divided by Total Responders who made a Purchase

This example is a simple analysis. Depending how many factors were included with your original data, it is possible to delve into the information (datamine) to find more responses from a particular zip code, people in a certain age range, by gender, or any other demographic aspect. Whether it's simple or profound, you need to know the effectiveness in order to plan the next campaign.

For some, postcards will be the best communications tool, and for others it won't fit their business structure. Without a doubt, postcards are an effective way to stay connected with your target audience when incorporated into an overall marketing strategy. They will help to keep your message fresh and your name in front of current and potential customers. See if they will work for you!

Successful Direct Mail Campaigns - Postcards

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Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Submit Cartoons for Publication

!: How to Submit Cartoons for Publication

The goal for any cartoonist is to see your work in print. Whether it's in a magazine or newspapers, there's nothing quite like having your efforts validated by a real, by-gosh genuine cartoon editor. My first published cartoon was in a nationally published magazine. It only paid me 25 bucks, but the value of being a published cartoonist was incalculable! Here's a quick primer on how to prepare a single-panel cartoon for submission.

Neat Drawing

Once you have worked out the details in your brainstorming session, you need to transfer your drawing to a clean sheet of 8 ½ x 11 inch sheet of paper. Regular printer paper is fine - as long as it's clean. Don't get cutesy with the size of the paper or the color. Bigger paper is a pain for editors who have to pour through lots of submissions, and submitting your work on brightly-colored fluorescent paper will NOT make it stand out - at least not in a good way. It screams amateur and will get it thrown in the trash.

I will often transfer the drawings straight out of my sketchpad onto printer paper via a light box. I like this process because it preserves the spontaneity and comical whimsy of the sketch which is sometimes lost when a piece is overworked in an attempt to make it "perfect".

Using a Light Box

You can get a light box at your local craft store for next to nothing, or you can go to the internet and look up plans for building your own. Simply tape the cartoon rough in place and then tape your clean sheet of paper over top. Turn on the light and you can clearly see the original through the paper. Transfer the drawing using a black pen. This also eliminates the need for erasing pencil marks which can leave your work messy.

Don't worry about drawing the border around your cartoon. The editor will do that if they need one - often they don't.

The Artist's Market

You can find lots of publications that accept freelance cartoon submissions by looking through a current edition of The Artist and Graphic Designer's Market. This book contains lists of magazines and what they pay, as well as the names of editors and submission details. Study them and then submit accordingly. This is important because different magazines require different things. Some have a minimum number of cartoons that you have to meet; many list things they are looking for as well as things they don't want to see.

Mail 'em Out

Once you have your submission packet ready, it's time to send them in. Most publications ask that you send in copies of your originals. Just make sure that you send them in on decent quality paper - not the thin paper most public libraries use. Each packet will require two manila envelopes: one for the packet itself, and another that you will put your own address and postage on. This is commonly called the SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) and is a courtesy you offer the editor so he/she can conveniently send back your artwork (along with a check for any they decided to buy!). Don't worry about any kind of cover letter - they know what a submission packet is for, and your cartoons will speak for themselves.

Once you've sent the packet in, it's time to get started on the next set of submissions. Keep doing this week after week and you'll eventually get that first sale!

How to Submit Cartoons for Publication

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Plasma Life Forms - Spheres, Blobs, Orbs and Subtle Bodies

!: Plasma Life Forms - Spheres, Blobs, Orbs and Subtle Bodies

Life-Like Qualities of Plasma

Bohm, a leading expert in twentieth century plasma physics, observed in amazement that once electrons were in plasma, they stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were a part of a larger and interconnected whole. Although the individual movements of each electron appeared to be random, vast numbers of electrons were able to produce collective effects that were surprisingly well organized and appeared to behave like a life form. The plasma constantly regenerated itself and enclosed impurities in a wall in the same way that a biological organism, like the unicellular amoeba, might encase a foreign substance in a cyst. So amazed was Bohm by these life-like qualities that he later remarked that he frequently had the impression that the electron sea was "alive" and that plasma possessed some of the traits of living things. The debate on the existence of plasma-based life forms has been going on for more than 20 years ever since some models showed that plasma can mimic the functions of a primitive cell.

Plasma cosmologist, Donald Scott, notes that "...a [plasma] double layer can act much like a membrane that divides a biological cell". A model of plasma double layers (a structure commonly found in complex plasmas) has been used to investigate ion transport across biological cell membranes by researchers (See American Journal of Physics, May 2000, Volume 68, Issue 5, pp. 450-455). Researchers noted that "Concepts like charge neutrality, Debye length, and double layer [used in plasma physics] are very useful to explain the electrical properties of a cellular membrane". Plasma physicist Hannes Alfvén also noted the association of double layers with cellular structure, as had Irving Langmuir before him, who coined the term "plasma" after its resemblance to living blood cells.

David Brin's Sundiver also speculated on plasma life forms. This science fiction proposed a form of life existing within the plasma atmosphere of a star using complex self-sustaining magnetic fields. Similar types of plasmoid life have been proposed to exist in other places, such as planetary ionospheres or interstellar space. Gregory Benford had a form of plasma-based life exist in the accretion disk of a primordial black hole in his novel Eater.

Plasma Life Forms in Space

An international scientific team has discovered that under the right conditions, particles of inorganic dust can become organized into helical structures which can interact with each other in ways that are usually associated with organic life. Using a computer model of molecular dynamics, V N Tsytovich and his colleagues of the Russian Academy of Science showed that particles in plasma can undergo self-organization as electric charges become separated and the plasma becomes polarized in their paper entitled From Plasma Crystals and Helical Structures towards Inorganic Living Matter, published in the New Journal of Physics in August 2007.

Past studies, subject to Earth's gravity, have shown that if enough particles are injected into a low-temperature plasma, they will spontaneously organize into crystal-like structures or "plasma crystals". Tsytovich's computer simulations suggest that in the gravity-free environment of space, the plasma particles will bead together to form string-like filaments which will then twist into helical strands resembling DNA that are electrically charged and are attracted to each other.

The helical structures undergo changes that are normally associated with biological molecules, such as DNA and proteins, say the researchers. They can, for instance, divide to form copies of the original structure; which then interact to induce changes in their neighbors that evolve into other new structures. The less stable structures break down over time leaving behind only the structures that are most adapted to the environment. "These complex, self-organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter", says Tsytovich, "they are autonomous, they reproduce and they evolve".

He adds that the ionized conditions needed to form these helical structures are common in outer space. If that is so, then it will mean that plasma life forms are the most common life form in the universe, given that plasma makes up more than 99% of our visible universe which is almost everywhere ionized. This is in stark contrast to carbon-based life forms, which according to the Rare Earth hypothesis proposed by Peter Ward and Donald Brownlee, would be rare in the universe due to a number of factors - including the need for an acceptable range of temperatures to survive. Complex carbon based life may be as rare as solid rocky bodies like the Earth in the universe.

Plasma, on the other hand, is associated with high temperatures. Plasma life forms would be much more adapted to environments which would be considered hostile to carbon-based life forms. It is possible that plasma life forms were already present in the gas and materials that formed the Earth 4.6 billion years ago. Carbon-based biomolecular life forms only appeared 1 billion years later. Tsytovich and other scientists (including Lozneanu and Sanduloviciu, discussed below) have proposed that plasma life forms, in fact, spurred development of organic carbon-based life on Earth.

In this connection, Tsytovich pointed out that plasma life forms can develop under more down to Earth conditions such as at the point of a lightning strike. The researchers hint that perhaps a plasma form of life emerged on the primordial Earth which had a highly ionized atmosphere, which then acted as the template for the more familiar organic molecules we know today. A plasma bubble could form at the end of a lightning strike and act as a mould for chemicals to conform with to form a primitive biological cell.

Plasma Life Forms in the Laboratory

This is not the first time in recent years that plasma life forms have been studied. In 2003 physicists; Erzilia Lozneanu and Mircea Sanduloviciu of Cuza University, Romania, described in their research paper Minimal Cell System created in Laboratory by Self-Organization (published in Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, volume 18, page 335), how they created plasma spheres in the laboratory that can grow, replicate and communicate - fulfilling most of the traditional requirements for biological cells. They are convinced that these plasma spheres offer a radically new explanation of how life began and proposed that they were precursors to biological evolution.

The researchers studied environmental conditions similar to those that existed on the Earth before life began, when the planet was enveloped in electric storms that caused ionized gases to form in the atmosphere. They inserted two electrodes into a chamber containing a low-temperature polarized plasma of argon - a gas in which some of the atoms have been split into negatively-charged electrons and positively-charged ions. They applied a high voltage to the electrodes, producing an arc of energy that bolted across the gap between them, like a miniature lightning strike. Sanduloviciu says this electric spark caused a high concentration of ions and electrons to accumulate at the positively charged electrode, which spontaneously formed spheres. The evolved sphere appears as a stable, self-confined, layered, luminous and nearly spherical body - much like the "orbs" described in the paranormal literature and discussed below. The amount of energy in the initial spark governed their size and lifespan. Sanduloviciu grew spheres from a few micrometers to up to three centimeters in diameter.

Lozneanu and Sanduloviciu describe a rhythmic "inhalation" of the nucleus which mimics the breathing process of living systems and results in pulsations. The spheres could replicate by splitting into two. Under the right conditions they grew bigger, taking up neutral argon atoms and splitting them into ions and electrons to replenish their boundary layers. Finally, they could communicate information by emitting electromagnetic energy, making the atoms within other spheres vibrate at a particular frequency. "This is no different from the vibrating diaphragm in a telephone which enables information to be communicated from one point to another," says David Cohen, reporting in the journal New Scientist. This would give these plasma spheres an ability which would be described as telepathic if we did not know how electromagnetic waves worked. Sanduloviciu insists that although the spheres require high temperature to form, they can survive at lower temperatures. "That would be the sort of environment in which normal biochemical interactions occur".

According to Sanduloviciu, these plasma spheres were the first cells on Earth, arising within electric storms, and he believes that the emergence of such spheres is a prerequisite for the evolution of biological cells. He says that the cell-like spheres could be at the origin of other forms of life we have not yet considered. "There could be life out there, but not as we know it" he says. Indeed, according to plasma metaphysics, the microscopic orbs (described in the paranormal literature) and the macroscopic subtle bodies (described in the metaphysical literature) are plasma-based life forms.

The Physical-Etheric Nucleus in Metaphysical Literature

Each subtle body has a nucleus - which metaphysicists Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant had described as a "permanent particle" almost a century ago. Leadbeater calls the nucleus of the higher etheric double a "physical-etheric atom". Information about the relevant subtle body is stored in this particle (its composition, frequency, structure and associative memories). In this way the experiences that the subtle body has gone through in this universe are stored or are linked to this nucleus - according to Leadbeater and Besant. The particle is analogous to DNA in the biomolecular body. DNA is referred to as a "bioparticle" in the medical literature and it stores or links vast amounts of information about a particular life-form. Hindu metaphysics describes these particles or nuclei as "bindus" and Tibetan yoga "drops".

The physical-etheric nucleus is transferred to higher energy bodies when the subtle body dies - serving the same purposes as a "black box" flight recorder in an airplane in preserving information about a particular life's experiences. This nucleus is also responsible for the life review in a near-death experience. According to Besant, the permanent particles are used to preserve within themselves as "powers of vibrations" (i.e. different frequencies and waveforms) the results of all experiences through which they have passed. By the end of one's life in the physical body, the permanent particle (or physical-etheric nucleus) would have stored up "innumerable powers of vibration" (i.e. a set of waveforms of different frequencies). The particle usually resides (probably in an electromagnetic well) around the heart region of the physical-biomolecular and lower physical-etheric body.

Plasma Orbs in Paranormal Literature

In 2004 (as reported in the Physical News Update by Phil Schewe and Ben Stein) an experiment was conducted where particles in a plasma crystal arranged themselves into neat concentric shells (or rings - from a two-dimensional perspective), to a total ball diameter of several millimeters. These orderly Coulomb balls, consisting of aligned, concentric shells of dust particles, survived for long periods. This structure was described as an "onion-like architecture". (Dark matter halos around galaxies also have similar structures.)

Paranormal analyst, Allan Danelek (in his book The Case for Ghosts) says, "One could think of orbs as 'tiny ghosts' moving around a room, their essence being contained within a tiny sphere of pure energy, like air inside a bubble." This description matches the description of life-like pulsating plasma spheres generated in the laboratory by Lozneanu and Sanduloviciu. Furthermore the pulsating plasma spheres would also give readings of a fluctuating electromagnetic field. Leading ghost hunter, Joshua Warren, says "Nine times out of ten, if a mysterious field is constant and stable, it's artificial; if it fluctuates erratically, it's paranormal."

According to the paranormal literature "orbs" are light anomalies that appear on photographs and video as spherical balls of light but as flashes of light to the naked eye because of their rapid speed of motion. They exhibit intentional behavior - suggesting some consciousness or awareness of the environment.

Orbs often travel in groups or clusters i.e. they exhibit swarm behavior - also a characteristic of particles in plasma - a characteristic observed by Bohm (see above). Orbs also can dart back and forth rapidly like amoebic life-forms in a Petri dish. The balls can be transparent, translucent or in a bright solid form. These are signature features of magnetic plasma which has the natural property of being able to change its degree of opacity when internal frequencies change. Magnetic plasma would also allow orbs to change their output of light or luminosity.

Looking at these balls in close-up reveals that they possess an onion-like layered structure i.e. they have concentric shells - a signature feature of plasma crystals. Danelek says, "...'true orbs' do not reflect light the same way a dust particle or flying insect does, but are instead generally more opaque and, in some cases, even appear to have rings within them." Experienced ghost hunter Joshua Warren (in his excellent book How to Hunt Ghosts) says, "Often, orbs appear to have a nucleus, just like a cell. The nucleus might be surrounded by 'bands' - concentric circles emerging from it. In fact, it might appear like an onion that's been chopped in half." All these characteristics are identical to plasma crystals generated in the laboratory.

Some believe that an orb is a human soul or the life force of those that once inhabited a physical-dense body. Psychics claim to be able to communicate with them on a regular basis, and ghost hunters encounter them quite frequently in photographs and video. It is thought that they are conscious spirits that have stayed behind because they feel bound to their previous life or previous location for whatever reason - a typical characteristic of "Earth-bound" physical-etheric ghosts. According to plasma metaphysics, (genuine) orbs are plasma life forms and are identical to the physical-etheric nuclei observed by metaphysicists Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant that are released from dying persons.

According to plasma metaphysics, (genuine) orbs are the physical-etheric nuclei that are released from dying persons. Most of these nuclei exit-out of our universe through vortexes after the death of the higher physical-etheric body and are absorbed into the next higher energy body in the next universe - most frequently what metaphysicists describe as the "astral body" and the "astral plane or sphere". However, some stay behind because of unfinished business or some psychological attachment to the physical life that just ended. These are the (genuine) orbs that we see in photographs and videos. This conclusion is consistent with the theory of some paranormal investigators that spirits may find it easier to travel from one dimension to another in the form of orbs which can move more easily (than full-blown subtle bodies) through vortexes to another universe.

A number may also get reabsorbed into the dark plasma halos that envelope human embryos to start a new life in this physical-dense universe (i.e. they reincarnate in a physical-dense body). They grow with the embryo and facilitate the morphogenesis of the physical-dense and lower physical-etheric body. As they grow they absorb more energy and particles from the ionized (physical-etheric) environment and eventually become full-blown ovoids with "subtle bodies" inside. In this particular case, the subtle body will be the (higher) physical-etheric body or the "physical-double".

During death, the ovoid contracts into the physical-etheric nucleus (by dispersing its contents) and is released from the dying physical body after traveling through a meridian (which is associated with the lower physical-etheric body) and exits from the head to emerge as an orb with a bright nucleus. Details of this process can be found in the author's book Our Invisible Bodies.

Interactions with Ordinary Matter

Orbs resemble plasma spheres in many ways. However, while plasma spheres generated in the laboratory are composed of standard particles (i.e. the particles described in the physicists' Standard Model currently), orbs are composed of super (i.e. supersymmetric) collisionless dark matter particles. This allows orbs to pass through objects and walls (just like ghosts).

Dark matter in the physical-etheric universe can only interact with ordinary matter if their energy levels temporarily fall and ordinary matter condenses around them. Warren believes that since ghosts have an electrostatic field, it makes sense that particles from the atmosphere would be trapped in the field. This would form a tiny clump of particles that betrays the presence of the ghost. He says that, based on readings on electromagnetic meters during paranormal investigations, paranormal orbs carry a charge of static electricity. Dr Michael Persinger, a lab-based parapsychologist, and his colleagues demonstrated a link between strong or varying electromagnetic fields and orb activity. Orbs are also said to travel along Birkeland currents (i.e. ley or energy lines). This is another characteristic of their electromagnetic nature - which suggests that they are composed of magnetic plasma which is a good generator of electromagnetic fields and a good radiator of electromagnetic waves.

According to Warren, orbs are most active in the deep infrared region. In 1983, physicist Pierre Sikivie proposed a technique to detect invisible dark matter particles called "axions". His technique called for a high "Q" microwave cavity, permeated by a strong static magnetic field. In the magnetic field, axions were expected to convert into microwave photons. Microwaves are in between the infrared region and radio waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. If ghosts are composed of dark matter particles, it can be hypothesized that they too would generate microwave and infrared radiation in the presence of a strong static magnetic field and even radio waves which can be received by our radios.

Subtle Bioplasma Bodies in the Metaphysical Literature

According to plasma metaphysics (see Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006) the subtle bodies described in the general metaphysical literature (particularly the yoga and New
Age literature) are bioplasma bodies.

The Subtle Body is a Bioplasma Body

Subtle bodies have signature features associated with plasma. These include:

• Networks of filamentary currents (known as "nadis" or "meridians" in the metaphysical literature).

• Helical currents, aligned with the spine, which resemble helical pinches and "snakes" often found in plasma.

• Plasma vortexes (know as "chakras" in the metaphysical literature) caused by the helical movement of particles entering the bioplasma body.

• Jets or beams of collimated light that issue out from these vortexes which evidence a plasma discharge (similar to what issues out of a plasma gun).

• A magnetized plasma ovoid which surrounds and shields subtle bodies from the environment (just as the Earth is protected by the magnetosphere - a sphere composed of collisionless magnetized plasma).

• A plasma (Langmuir) sheath (know as an "auric sheath" or "auric shell" in the metaphysical literature) which encloses the ovoid.

• The ability of subtle bodies to pass through each other suggesting that they are composed of collisionless plasma.

• The ability of subtle bodies to emit light (not simply reflect them) that generate colorful halos.

• The ability of subtle bodies to change their degree of opacity - becoming transparent or translucent.

• The electrical feel of subtle bodies.

• The responsiveness of subtle bodies to electromagnetic fields.

All these features were described and documented more than 2,000 years ago, mainly in the Hindu and Chinese acupuncture literature; but also alluded to in the Buddhist and Christian scriptures and literature - long before the age of electricity and magnetism which was only sparked-off in the eighteenth century. Furthermore, the list above is not exhaustive - it is only meant to be a sample of the features of subtle bodies which unmistakably points to plasma. Details of the above observations can be found in the previous articles and books by this author.

The Spark of Life

According to plasma metaphysics, subtle bodies live in a magnetic plasma sphere (an ordinarily invisible counterpart Earth) - an environment similar to the early (physical-dense) Earth.

During in vitro fertilization the human embryo is given an electrical jolt to spark-off cell division. The purpose of this routine electrical intervention is not known. All is known is that cell division is unlikely to occur in the absence of this electrical intervention. According to plasma metaphysics (Our Invisible Bodies, 2006), this electrical spark is necessary to generate a plasma bubble which acts as a catalyst during embryogenesis. Unlike a biomolecular environment, a plasma environment allows long-range correlations, without which a 3 dimensional structure could not be projected from a 1 dimensional gene. An embryo within a human body is protected by the plasma bubble (i.e. the physical-etheric double) of the mother and inherits a bubble within this environment. (In this process, it acquires what the Qigong literature refers to as "prenatal qi".)

Accelerated Morphogenesis of the Bioplasma Double

An embryonic bioplasma body is projected into the plasma bubble based on information in the physical-etheric double of the DNA. In fact, subtle radiation containing holographic information was observed by researchers at the Russian Academy of Science as a surprise effect during experiments when they were measuring the vibrational modes of DNA in solution using a sophisticated laser photon correlation spectrometer. According to Sue Benford, their research suggests the existence of a subtle radiation linked to physical DNA that supports the hypothesis of an intact energy field containing relevant 'organismal information'. The Russian experiments produced different measurements when DNA was present and removed from the scattering chamber. These results were contrary to the expectations of the experimenters. After duplicating the initial experiment many times with re-calibrated equipment, the scientists were forced to accept that some new field structure existed. This embryonic bioplasma body within the plasma bubble (which contains helical currents) grows together with the physical-biomolecular body but at an accelerated rate, being aided by the long range correlations present in the plasma but absent in the biochemical field.

Morphogenesis of the Physical Biomolecular Body

There is mutual affinity between the bioplasma and physical-biomolecular bodies. In fact, the term "plasma" is derived from a Greek word meaning "to mould" and was coined by Langmuir based on his observations of the manner in which the positive column of a glow discharge tended to mould itself to the containing tube. Similarly, the bioplasma fetus wraps around the physical-biomolecular embryo while undergoing an accelerated morphogenesis (relative to the physical-biomolecular embryo).

The physical-biomolecular body therefore is cued by the bioplasma body which acts an electronic matrix and a time-resolved hologram that guides its development. The bioplasma body, in turn, acts as a mould or a template body for the development of the single-celled physical-biomolecular embryo to the adult body. This has frequently been pointed out by metaphysicists, including Leadbeater, Besant and Barbara Brennan.

Complex biological evolution could not have taken place on Earth without the aid of the templates provided by subtle bioplasma bodies which interacted with biochemical fields via weak electromagnetic fields. These bioplasma bodies are composed of high energy particles and inhabit (magnetized) plasmaspheres which share the same space and gravitational field as the physical-dense Earth. The lowest energy plasmasphere has been described by metaphysicists as the physical-etheric Earth.


As proposed by Tsytovich, Lozneanu and Sanduloviciu, the physical-dense plasma cell was a precursor to the biological cell in the early (physical-dense) Earth - acting as a template or mould for the biological cell to form in 3 dimensional space. However, the lightning strikes that generated the physical-dense plasma cells also generated physical-etheric plasma cells in the physical-etheric Earth. As the conditions on Earth changed and the environment became progressively less ionized, the physical-dense plasma cell was less frequently generated. However, the physical-etheric plasma cell (existing in the physical-etheric Earth) remained as it participated in the development of the biological body to which it was attached to and subsequently was transmitted together with the biological cells in various forms of reproduction - both asexual and sexual.

Copyright © Jay Alfred 2007

Plasma Life Forms - Spheres, Blobs, Orbs and Subtle Bodies

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Canon imageCLASS D320 Personal Digital Copier and Printer

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Post Date : Nov 25, 2011 10:36:07

MODEL- D320 VENDOR- CANON USA FEATURES- imageCLASS D320 Flatbed Personal Digital Copier/Printer. Now a desktop copier/printer that gives you speed convenience and reliability in a small footprint. With all the copying features you need plus a 15 page-per-minute laser printer the imageCLASS D320 can satisfy any small business or home office user with its quality laser output. Copy up to legal-size documents reduce and enlarge collate or make draft copies from the easy to use control panel. Printing is fast and easy with Canon's printer driver for Windows. Load paper easily in the 250-sheet paper cassette and your black and white output comes out crisp and fast. Using a single cartridge system the imageCLASS D320 is economical to operate and easier to use over other machines that need two cartridges requiring replacement at different times. Whether you are a one person office or have a small staff the imageCLASS D320 can be your compact desktop solution to replace older single-function machines or as an addition to your current equipment.* Up to 15 copies-per-minute* Copy up to legal size* Quality Laser Printing - 15 ppm* Single Cartridge System -- SPECIFICATIONs PRINTER - Print Speed (up to) : Black- 15 ppm Letter Print Resolution : 600 x 600 dpi in Black PDL Host-based Ink Compatibility : Canon S35 toner cartridgeCOPIER - Type Laser Mono Copy Resolution : 1200 x 600 dpi Mono Copy Speed Letter- up to 15 cpm Legal- up to 12.5 cpm Zoom

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

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  • Full-color All-in-One can print, copy, scan, and fax
  • Print at speeds up to 12 ppm black and 8 ppm color at 600 x 600 dpi
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  • 150-sheet paper tray and 50-sheet automatic document feeder
  • Built-in 10/100 wired Ethernet network connectivity

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HP CM1312NFI Color LaserJet Printer

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Rate : | Price : $249.99 | Post Date : Nov 16, 2011 19:36:27
Usually ships in 24 hours

The color imageCLASS MF8050Cn provides a user intelligent and compact small or home office solution for producing high quality laser color documents. It inlcudes four color sSingle Cartrodges which means you never have to replace a drum seperately. Also with fast print and copy speeds it also includes an intuitive scanner that allows you to scan documents directly to your network. Remote management of the new MF8050Cn is also included for accessing your machine while you are on the go.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

10 Things Authentic Leaders Do

!: 10 Things Authentic Leaders Do

What would your life look like if you had absolutely no fear? What kinds of things would you do if you lived from a frame of reference that your thoughts literally could form your world? How brightly would your light shine if you stepped out of the limitations that are keeping you small and stretched yourself well past your comfort zone into the place that you know, deep within, you are meant to be? Authentic leadership is all about being the person you know in your heart you have always been destined to be. Authentic leadership does not come from your title or from the size of your paycheck. Instead, this form of leadership comes from your being and the person that you are.

Here are 10 things that authentic leaders do on a regular basis:

They speak their truth. In business today, we frequently 'swallow our truth'. We say things to please others and to look good in front of The Crowd. Authentic leaders are different. They consistently talk truth. They would never betray themselves by using words that are not aligned with who they are. This does not give anyone a license to say things that are hurtful to people. Speaking truth is simply about being clear, being honest and being authentic.

They lead from the heart. Business is about people. Leadership is about people. The best leaders wear their hearts on their sleeves and are not afraid to show their vulnerability. They genuinely care about other people and spend their days developing the people around them. They are like the sun: the sun gives away all it has to the plants and the trees. But in return, the plants and the trees always grow toward the sun.

They have rich moral fiber. Who you are speaks far more loudly than anything you could ever say. Strength of character is true power - and people can feel it a mile away. Authentic leaders work on their character. They walk their talk and are aligned with their core values. They are noble and good. And in doing so, people trust, respect and listen to them.

They are courageous. It takes a lot of courage to go against the crowd. It takes a lot of courage to be a visionary. It takes a lot of inner strength to do what you think is right even though it may not be easy. We live in a world where so many people walk the path of least resistance. Authentic leadership is all about taking the road less traveled and doing, not what is easy, but what is right.

They build teams and create communities. One of the primary things that people are looking for in their work experience is a sense of community. In the old days, we got our community from where we lived. We would have block parties and street picnics. In the new age of work, employees seek their sense of community and connection from the workplace. Authentic leaders create workplaces that foster human linkages and lasting friendships.

They deepen themselves. The job of the leader is to go deep. Authentic leaders know themselves intimately. They nurture a strong self-relationship. They know their weaknesses and play to their strengths. And they always spend a lot of time transcending their fears.

They are dreamers. Einstein said that "Imagination is more important than knowledge." It is from our imaginations that great things are born. Authentic leaders dare to dream impossible dreams. They see what everyone else sees and then dream up new possibilities. They spend a lot of time with their eyes closed creating blueprints and fantasies that lead to better products, better services, better workplaces and deeper value. How often do you close your eyes and dream?

They care for themselves. Taking care of your physical dimension is a sign of self-respect. You can't do great things at work if you don't feel good. Authentic leaders eat well, exercise and care for the temples that are their bodies. They spend time in nature, drink plenty of water and get regular massages so that, physically, they are operating at planet-class levels of performance.

They commit to excellence rather than perfection. No human being is perfect. Every single one of us is a work in progress. Authentic leaders commit themselves to excellence in everything that they do. They are constantly pushing the envelope and raising their standards. They do not seek perfection and have the wisdom to know the difference. What would your
life look like if you raised your standards well beyond what anyone could ever imagine of you?

They leave a legacy. To live in the hearts of the people around you is to never die. Success is wonderful but significance is even better. You were made to contribute and to leave a mark on the people around you. In failing to live from this frame of reference, you betray yourself. Authentic leaders are constantly building their legacies by adding deep value to everyone that they deal with and leaving the world a better place in the process.

10 Things Authentic Leaders Do

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gemini Convertible Hand Truck with Optional Accessories Size: Senior: 61" H x 21" W x 19" D

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Brand : Magline | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Nov 09, 2011 16:46:23 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

GMK81UM4 / GMK16UM4 Size: Senior: 61" H x 21" W x 19" D Convertible Hand Truck Features: -Available in 51'' and 61'' height sizes. -Aluminum construction. -Converts from a standard two-wheel hand truck to a four-wheel platform truck in seconds. -500 Pound capacity as hand truck. -1,000 Pound capacity as platform truck. -High capacity reduces number of trips per day. -Snap on deck available for hauling smaller items. -Optional accessories available. -Reduces user fatigue. -No welds to break. -All parts are replaceable for longer product life. -Assembly required. Specifications: -Gemini Sr hand truck dimensions: 61'' H x 21'' W x 19'' D. -Gemini Jr hand truck dimensions: 51'' H x 21'' W x 19'' D. Accessory Bag Features: -Industrial grade fabric construction. -Two top pockets, sealed with velcro. -One tool pocket. -Allow users a place to carry miscellaneous items during transport like paperwork, pens, hand-held computers, and cleaning supplies. -Four accessory bags available for standard hand truck use and one for the Gemini units. -The removable hand can be used at either end of the unit. Specifications: -Tool pocket dimensions: 12'' Wide x 3.5'' Deep. -Top pocket dimensions: 10'' Long x 6'' Wide. -Overall dimensions: 16.5'' H x 12'' W x 3.5'' D. Stair Climber Kit Features: -Aluminum construction. -Heavy-duty cast aluminum glides. -Replaceable low-friction polymer skid bars. -Tough and quiet. -Help glide hand trucks up stairs. -Overall dimensions: 10'' H x 4'' W x 2'' D. Safety Light Kit Features: -Plastic construction. -Two lights recommended per hand truck. -Lights can retrofit on most Magliner hand truck models. -Great for low light delivery areas. -Reduces potential injury to driver and pedestrian by drawing attention to hand truck location. -Reduces risk of accident litigation. -Assembly required. -Overall dimensions: 3'' H x 1'' W x 0.5'' D.

More Specification..!!

Gemini Convertible Hand Truck with Optional Accessories Size: Senior: 61" H x 21" W x 19" D

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

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Price : $386.17
Post Date : Oct 30, 2011 22:51:32
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The MFC-8890DW is a high-performance laser all-in-one with wireless networking and duplex print, copy, scan and fax features for your business or small workgroup.

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Friday, October 28, 2011

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Do-It-Yourself Energy Efficiency Projects - Your Home's Thermal Envelope (Part 1)

!: Do-It-Yourself Energy Efficiency Projects - Your Home's Thermal Envelope (Part 1)

Because of the price and use of energy, architects and builders now design a home to be a "thermal envelope". That is the sum total of the home's insulation systems including walls, ceilings, foundation, floors, windows, and doors. These work more effectively with good, tight fits that seal out the weather and air. By having a tight seal on your home's thermal envelope, the less energy you waste or lose by exchanging it too often with the air outside.

So, with this in mind, let's start at ground level and work our way up to seal your house.

Moisture Barrier

A moisture barrier (usually plastic sheeting) covers the earth beneath a structure to prevent moisture from infiltrating the structure from the ground. All-wooden structures last years longer if they are kept dry and out of contact with the ground. For a house, not only does it help prevent rot but it also helps keep the drier. Because moisture in the air holds heat, even during the most humid months, a moisture barrier will make your Texas home feel drier and cooler.

Most Texas homes are built on either a slab or have crawl spaces under them. Houses with slab foundations typically have concrete poured on top of a plastic moisture barrier. This limits the infiltration of moisture into the thermal envelope of the house. Homes with crawl spaces, meanwhile, feature a moisture barrier in their crawl spaces. Some older homes do not have one and these can be installed by the home owner very easily.

A moisture barrier is plastic sheeting, usually about 6-8 mils thick and is available at any hardware store, typically in sizes ranging from 25 × 25 feet to 100 × 100 feet. It also need not be one single piece of plastic. As long as the sheets overlap each other by about 6 inches or so, it will be effective.

To install, you will need to know the dimensions of your crawl space and buy enough plastic sheeting to cover the ground in that space. Simply cut the plastic sheeting to cover the earth from wall to wall, laying it flat. You can use either black or clear plastic, but I would use clear because black plastic would make your crawl space feel like a cramped version of Batman's lair.

You should notice the difference within 24 hours. If your house feels too dry, simply fold back some of the plastic sheeting to expose the earth underneath. Continue adjusting until your home feels the most comfortable to you.

As mentioned, moisture barriers limit the infiltration of moisture into the thermal envelope of the house. The house feels drier: It will be easier to cool in the summer and less likely to develop mold or contribute to wood rot in the winter.

Mudsill and Rim Joists

The next place to check out is the mudsill. The mudsill is the board that is bolted flat on to the top of the foundation wall. An example of one is a 2×8 board bolted onto the final course of cement blocks. It provides a bed to attach the flooring joists and banding boards for the first floor of the house. Depending on how well it is installed, it can let in a lot of cold air and moisture.

Places to look for gaps is where the mudsill is fastened to the foundation. A common building practice now is to put down a plastic foam gasket over the foundation before attaching the pressure treated lumber that will be the mudsill. In older homes, either a paper-backed cellulose material was put down or nothing was used. To find gaps, get as close as possible to the mudsill from the inside and look for daylight shining through between the mudsill and the foundation wall and feel for a draft of cool air.

If your foundation is made of cement blocks, look for the vertical joints between the blocks. When these blocks are put into place, the mortar between the blocks often slumps leaving thin mortar or none at all. Over time as the house settles, holes can appear. While these might be small holes that let through tiny amounts of air, if your home has 10 or 20 of them, you're letting in a lot of weather and insects. Seal every hole you find with silicon caulk or expanding foam.

Another place along the mudsill to look for is where the rim joists attach. The rim joist (sometimes called "banding joist") is the piece of wood that closes off the end of the flooring joist or is the last floor joist underneath the exterior wall. The bottom edge is not necessarily an air-tight seal. In fact, I lived in one older house where there was a half-inch gap between the rim joist and mudsill. Now, while this seems small, the gap ran for the entire length of the house: 25 feet. It was the equivalent of leaving a 24 inch by 24 inch window open all the time. Some expandable foam quickly sealed this gap and there was a noticeable improvement in comfort and cost right away.


If you have double-hung wooden sash windows with storm windows that are drafty, there are several ways to make them more energy efficient.

Make sure the glazing on the glass panes of the sash windows is not cracked or crumbling. The glazing helps hold and seal the glass to the wooden window and thus blocks drafts and quiets rattling - especially from traffic. It also lessens the likelihood that the glass will break if a pet or a child presses against it. Glazing is something of a skilled art. That being said, it's not that hard to do. Re-glazing a window yourself can save you to 0 or more. All you need is glazing putty (), a putty knife (), some glaziers' points ( for a box of 100) and some time.

First, remove any old, cracked, or crumbling glazing with a putty knife. Glazing putty dries to be very, very hard and will last decades. It can be loosened with a heat gun, but keep the gun moving or the heat will crack the glass.

When the old putty has been removed, remove all the old glaziers' points. Now, lift out the pane and set it aside. Sand the channel where the pane fits on the wooden sash. Usually, I apply a thin bead of silicone caulk in this channel before replacing the glass. This helps to seat and seal the glass pane. This especially helps when working on multiple small panes (called "lights") separated by thin or fragile wooden mullions (also called "muntins"). Next, insert new glaziers points. This is done by using the putty knife to press points into the wooden sash along the glass pane to keep it in place. Take your time so that you don't break the glass.

Glazing putty can be purchased in either a can or a tube with a shaped tip that fits in a caulking gun. However, it does take some practice to get just the right angle and right amount of putty on the glass. When using the tube mix, keep the 45 degree angled tip steadily against the glass and lay a bead of putty the length of bottom of the pane. If you're using the putty from the can, roll the putty into long snake (or rope) and place it along the edge of the pane and along the wood. Gently press it into position so that it forms a nice 45 degree angle with the putty knife. The putty is shaped this way so that water runs off the glass to the edge of the window sash instead of into the window pane channel where it can rot the wood. The next thing to look for is if your windows close snugly. Both the top and bottom window have what is called a "meeting rail". On the upper window, it is the bottom of the window and on the bottom window it is the top. These meeting rails are shaped so that they mesh together when they close. This helps seat and seal the window properly. Check to see if the bottom window runs firmly - but not tightly - along the window jamb as you close the window. If it's too loose and wiggles back and forth, it probably won't seat very tightly when it's closed. You can use a putty knife to pry out the window jambs and then re-position them to improve how tightly the window will close. You might try adding felt or self-adhesive foam weather stripping. Also make sure you clean out any debris from the window to ensure the window will seat and seal snugly.

As metal storm windows age, the harder they seem to close. This usually happens because of dirt and corrosion. Make sure the window tracks are clean and free of dirt and debris so the window runs smoothly. Outside, check that the storm window frame is held tightly in place against the wooden window frame. Screws that hold this frame in place might be loose and might need to be replaced or moved to a new spot. Most drafts from storms windows come from where the storm window frame meets the wooden window frame. Once you're certain the storm window frame is secure, lay a bead of caulk into the seam where the metal storm window frame meets the wooden window frame. Typically, there are two slots cut into the bottom apron of the storm window frame. Do not seal these. These are weep holes that allow condensation to escape.

If you have modern, double glazed windows (windows with two panes of glass), one of the things to look out for is fogging between the panes. Double glazed windows are made by attaching a pane of glass with adhesive to either side of a half-inch wide aluminum frame either in a vacuum or a very dry environment. It is then a single unit and is installed into a standardized window frame. Fogging is a sign that the seal on the window unit has failed and water vapor has penetrated into the space between the panes. If the fogging is still present in summer, it's a good guess that acids have also leeched in with the water vapor and have permanently etched the window glass. If the fogging disappears when the window warms, then it's not too late to treat it. Examine the wood of the window for any discoloration from moisture. Look for peeling, flaking paint or soft, gray-colored wood. If you find some, sand it smooth and then seal it with an oil-based enamel or polyurethane. If the wood is very soft, you might try using an epoxy formulated to penetrate and preserve rotten wood. Be sure to mask the glass first with painter's tape.

A builder installs a door or window with wedges called shims so that the window can float inside a rough opening in the framing. While this lets the door or window open and close freely as it expands and contracts during the year, it also means a lot of outside air can infiltrate your house by getting in around the window frame if it has not been insulated or if it has been damaged. During the summer, it usually isn't a noticeable problem. During the winter, though, if you see moisture or mildew there could be a problem with the window frame.

Look outside for damage to the siding and window frame. Look for holes or wet, rotten wood, or even a loose piece of siding. It's important to clean and seal problems like these quickly, especially if moisture has been getting inside your wall, because the damage will just worsen over time. Rotten or damaged siding can be replaced easily with new pieces from the hardware store. Rotten or damaged window sills should be completely removed and replaced and the inside of the wall inspected for mold, rot, and other damage. However, this is no small job and requires time and skills to complete. It might need the hand of a professional. For an immediate, short-term fix, clean out the rotten wood as best you can and fill the hole with fiberglass auto body putty. This will provide a hard, waterproof barrier against the weather. Be sure to contour and shape it so that it will not interfere with opening and closing the window.

If moisture or rain is getting into your window frame, check to see if any of your rain gutters run over head. Check to see if these are clogged. Also, consider installing drip edging along the top of your windows to help run water around and away from the windows and siding when it rains. After you've installed it, be sure to caulk it in place so moisture can't penetrate behind it.

A lot of folks consider it hideous to put over your windows but it will keep the wind out: clear plastic sheeting. This is probably the easiest temporary energy fix owners of older homes use to keep cold, damp winter weather out. There are two approaches: Apply the clear plastic sheeting to the outside of the window by stapling it to the wood window frame and then nailing lathe over the stapled edge to secure the plastic. Or apply the plastic sheeting to double-sided tape on the inside of the window frame (usually available in kits from the home center). To be sure, neither is an attractive solution. However, if you have an older home with double-hung windows in poor condition, this short-term fix does a lot for only and about 15 minutes of work. In fact, even if your windows close snugly, it might not be a bad idea for a north-facing window that doesn't have much of a view.

Energy Efficient Window Treatments: "It's Curtains for You!"

Curtains not only add style, color, and privacy to a room, they also act as an insulating blanket for one of the most thermally conductive parts of the house: the windows. Curtains are even more effective at sealing off a window when they have thermal backing. Thermal backing is usually foam because foam permits water vapor to move through the fabric rather than condensing on the cold side toward the window and causing moisture problems. An additional benefit to thermal curtains is that they help deaden noise from outside that is normally transmitted into the room by the window glass. In the summer, the curtains also block hot sun.

Thermal curtains can be made even more efficient by adding a valance with a top. Usually, window valances conceal the curtain hardware such as the rods and brackets. However, if the valance has a top cover, warm air that would normally circulate down between the cool glass and the back of the curtain is blocked. Valances can be made with plywood and then stained, painted, or covered in fabric. Another option is a window quilt. These are blanket-like shade that roll down to cover the window. Some are held tightly in place by magnetic strips attached to both the quilt and the window frame.

Finally, one last accessory for the double hung window is the Window Worm. This is a fabric tube about 2 1/2 to 3 inches in diameter and is as long as a window is wide. It is stuffed with quilting foam or cloth scraps and laid along where the top and bottom window sashes meet to help keep out drafts. Longer ones weighted with sand can also be made and placed across the foot of doors.

Do-It-Yourself Energy Efficiency Projects - Your Home's Thermal Envelope (Part 1)

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